The Gallery shopping. One Shop - Many stalls
From twenty nine years ago, when we only ever sold Art and Craft items that we had made ourselves, we have evolved into a unique business that has been moulded by the needs of the customers. We now have a section selling Art Materials due to local art suppliers closing down. We have taken over the roll of the shop that used to sell Toys and Sweets. We sell small quantities of Sun Tan Lotion and cigarette lighters, all sizes padded envelopes


We have a limited supply of Wigan souvenirs which include Haigh Hall fridge magnets and Postcards of Wigan, taken from Philip's own original pen drawings.

Sweet Shop latest
August 2021
Following the closure of the WLCT shop we had been selling sweets for the past few years. Following the long reduced trading period we have now stopped selling sweets. But we always have cold drinks in the fridge, very cheap.

Unique, hand made items by our own artists and craftworkers
All the artists and craftworkers at the Gallery sell their own work. We don't normally sell for anyone else as we are a co-operative, taking turns at running the Gallery, for no wages, working for each other. Those who work here can sell their items, it's only fair.

Toy Shop

The Toy shop has become a firm favourite with all the children. We have far more than we should have in the space available. Goods range from 50p Lucky Dips through Nature Buddies and Footballs. Buckets and Spades in the summer, magic gloves and wooly hats in the winter. Most toys are £2, £1 or less.